Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Systems

    2. What is an HMI?

    3. How Does an HMI Work?

    4. Properties of an HMI

    5. Benefits of an HMI

    6. Types of HMIs and Their Applications

    7. Module Summary

    1. Introduction Weintek HMI Overview

    2. Introduction to Weintek HMI Products

    3. Key Features and Capabilities of Weintek HMIs

    4. Intro to Weintek cMT2078x

    5. Comparison with Weintek HMI Solutions for Different Use Cases

    1. Intro to EasyBuilder Pro Software

    2. Introduction to Weintek’s EasyBuilder Pro

    3. Getting started with EasyBuilder Pro

    4. Creating an EasyBuilder Pro Project

    5. HMI Interface Design

About this course

  • Free
  • 17 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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